Friday 24 October 2008


For us, the sauna refers more to well-being than to culture. It has not been a tradition for a long time, like for you… Here, people aren't really used to going to the sauna to socialize… we rather see it as a relaxing moment to spend. We wonder if in Finland, saunas are natural hot water springs….. Can you tell us how it works?

We have 36 hours a week including 4 hours of English. We begin school at 8.10am and finish at 5.35pm. However, the timetable sometimes varies: sometimes we work 8 hours or sometimes only 4 hours.

Sometimes we have 2 hours in a row (in maths and physics, history and philosophy). It's extremely difficult and hard for us (:-p) because we are very tired and sometimes we haven't got a break between these hours.

During these hours, we are always sitting and writing, listening to the teacher and taking notes. There isn't any interaction, we aren't supposed to speak but sometimes we do! We don't speak all together except in English.

What about you? Are you always sitting and writing? Can you talk with your teachers during an hour?

Our subjects are:




Two languages



History – Geography

We are preparing a very important exam called Baccalauréat during 3 years.

For you, how are your lessons? What subjects do you study?

And you, have you got a big exam at the end of the year?

To what extent do you think French culture is rich?

We are free to wear what we want, but sometimes, the Head asks us to change some of our accessories… We suppose you don't wear a uniform, as we can see on the picture.

We would like to know why there are pupils who are 16 and others who are 19 in your group. Because for us, we are all 17-18.

In Lens, the most popular activities are soccer and pubs (for us^^)

Unfortunately, we can't go to Finland in February but we hope to host you in France.

La classe Euro

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